Special Educational and Disability Information, Advice Support Service Manchester

Case Study

1. Support to Overturn a Permanent Exclusion

Case Study

2. A Transport Appeal

Case Study

3. Considering Home Education for a Child with SEND

Case Study

4. Section I Appeal

Case Study

5. Support during a Tribunal Appeal

Case Study

6. A Multi-Agency Approach to Resolving Issues

Case Study

7. Refusal to Issue an EHCP

Case Study

8. School Refusing

Case Study

9. When School Arrangements are not working

Case Study

10. Careful use of mediation to overturn a refusal to issue an EHCP

Case Study

11. Home to School Transport Appeal

Case Study

12. The Post 16 Transfer Process with an EHCP when moving into a mainstream college course after GCSE's

Case Study

13. Improving communication between home and school

Case Study

14. Home to school transport issue regarding nearest suitable school

Case Study

15. Parents willing to make a financial contribution to obtain school of choice

Case Study

16. Making reasonable adjustments for a child with SEN in a mainstream high school

Case Study

17. What happens when mediation does not take place within 30 days

Case Study

18. The use of the SENDIASS helpline

Case Study

19. Supporting a young person back into post-16 education

Case Study

20. Keeping the young person's needs central to any discussion

Case Study

21. Returning to Post-16 College after a breakdown in the EHC review process

Case Study

22. A reception parent wanting a specialist placement

Case Study

23. Ceasing to maintain an Education, Health and Care Plan

Case Study

24. Supporting a pupil’s re-engagement with schoole Plan

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