External SEND resources available to parents/carers
We have an extensive range of booklets on many subjects for you to download
If you have any questions regarding the services we provide, please send us a message using the form on this page
Local Offer drop-in events
Pop in for a cuppa and a chat anytime between 10am and 12 noon These are run monthly across the city
List of frequently asked questions
Apply for an EHC Needs Assessment (EHCP)
Visit Manchester’s Local Offer to find out more about Education Health & Care Plan's (EHCP) and apply for an EHC Needs Assessment
Parent Champions
Our Independent Parent Champions can help parents, carers and young people.
Useful Contacts
This section provides some useful links to other websites that may also contain relevant information and downloads of documents that may be helpful to you
Manchester Community Directory
The Manchester Community Directory aims to provide residents and families with information, advice, services and activities across Manchester
Manchester Parent
Carer Forum
School Exclusions Hub
An indispensable resource for challenging exclusions
Grants for disabled children
Downs Syndrome Organisation
Travel Training
Grants for disabled children
Downs Syndrome Organisation
Travel Training
Communication Needs Video Series